Best Clothes Line Prop UK

Thanks for taking your time to read our information on the best clothes line props that are currently available on the UK market. The key purpose of any prop is to support the washing on a clothes line, stop the washing line from sagging and as result stops your washing from touching the ground.

One other benefit is that they help control the movement of the line in stronger winds. An added benefit from doing that is that the slight raise in height helps the clothes dry slightly faster. 

In the UK there are hundreds of choices available for clothes line props. To make life a little bit easier we have conducted extensive research and narrowed this down to the top 5. This is based on real life buyer feedback and by tests that we have completed on each of these props.

clothes line prop

Ideally a clothes line prop should be extendable in height and manufacturers usually refer to this as "telescopic" The ideal height range is from around 1.3 to 2.6 metres. They should be easy to attach to the line and not fall off.

You will also want them to last for a long time and not be prone to rust. One final consideration is how they stay in the ground. Those with rubber feet for example will not scratch patios.

Why do you need a clothes line prop?

You only need these if you have what is called a traditional washing line. That is a standard clothes line attached between two points. Usually that is a couple of posts, or a wall and a post, or between two walls. 

The actual clothes line is usually steel strands covered by some type of PVC. These are usually around 2-3 mm thick. Heavy duty clothes lines are thicker and stronger and usually 3-5 mm thick and last much longer.

One end of the prop attaches to the line using some type of clip (different styles) and the other end sits on the ground. They keep any washing on the line off the ground, which is their prime purpose.

How Many Props do you need?

The number of props you need depends on the actual length of your clothes line. Most clothes lines are hung between two fixed points as explained above. The line then tends to sag in the middle when the washing is hung up. On short clothes lines one prop is enough. On longer lines you may need 2-3. We recommend a prop every 3 metres of length.

You can buy clothes line props as a one off, in a set of two or a set of three.

What type of clothes line props are available in the UK?

  • Extendable metal clothes line props - the most popular type - these are usually tubular steel (round, oval or square) and may be coated in PVC in various colours. They will have a fixed height and can then be extended to various heights
  • Wooden clothes line props - These are traditional clothes line props that can be extended by using interlocks and will usually have metal fittings. These are more expensive than the tubular steel ones.

How to choose a clothes line prop?

In reality most buyers don't give these a great deal of thought. At the end of the day it is just a prop that helps keep your washing and laundry off the ground. Nonetheless, if you want to know the important things to look for we have included those below.

How long should a washing line prop be?

When you put a clothes line up, it is important to be able to reach it. You can achieve this using pulleys or simply have it at the right height that suits you. Typically clothes lines hang around 7-8 feet in the air, (2-2.5 metres) When you hang washing on these they sag, and the prop helps lift and support the line to stop your clothes from touching the ground.

Most clothes props are about 1.3 metres long  (4.2 feet)and can extend up to around 2.6 metres. (8.5 feet) The prop lengths do vary so just be aware of what height you prefer to have.

How they attach to the clothes line?

Most of these have a small catch almost like an enclosed hook. Most of them are made of plastic. The better ones are made of rubber and rubber is much better at holding the prop in place.


We found this quite a strange thing when we were doing our research. For whatever reason when you order a prop the colour selection can be quite random. Manufacturers make these in slightly different colours but when they arrive the actual colour you get can e quite random.

What is the best clothes line prop?

In our opinion the best clothes line prop in the UK is the BPIL 2X Heavy Duty Telescopic Washing Line Prop

Best clothes line props at a a glance

Top 3 clothes line props

BPIL 2X Heavy Duty Telescopic Washing Line Prop

BPIL 3x Heavy Duty Metal Telescopic Extendable Home Garden Washing Line Clothes Laundry Support Pole Props Outdoor Indoor Airer Rope String Extenedable from 1.3 to 2.6M (3 PROPS)

This is the highest rated clothes prop online which has also sold in its thousands

The reviews are very good overall and there are not a great deal of complaints about these.

There are 3 props and each prop extends from1.3 metres when fully closed and can then extend up to 2.6 metres (8.5 feet)

There is a rubber hook like structure that attaches onto the line much better than a plastic one

At the bottom of the pole there is a plastic plug that pushed into the bottom of the pole

The pole is galvanised so that will help prevent rust.


  • 65% of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
  • Buyers say it is light and easy to attach to the line and it stays there
  • Buyers say it is very easy to adjust and doesn't slip either and can stand up to strong winds


  • 3 out of 100 buyers give this a poor review

Our Opinion: This clothes prop would be our recommendation for most people as the props are good quality and you get three of the so ideal for heavier wash loads or anyone with a longer washing line.

Check Amazon UK - Price when reviewed £17.51 - 88% buyer satisfaction based on 3,500 buyer reviews

Wilsons Direct Heavy Duty Prop

Wilsons Direct 2.4m/8ft Heavy Duty Line Prop Extending Telescopic Clothes Washing Colored Prop Pole (1 x 8ft Prop)

This is the best seller online which has sold in its thousands

The reviews are mediocre though and the main reason this prop sells so well is really down to the lower than average price

This prop extends from1.3 metres when fully closed and can then extend up to 2.4 metres (8 feet)

There is a plastic hook like structure that attaches onto the line. At the bottom of the pole there is a plastic plug that is pushed into the bottom of the pole

The pole is galvanised so that will help prevent rust.


  • Around half of all buyers gave this a 5 star review
  • Buyers say it is light and easy to attach to the line


  • 14 out of 100 buyers gave this a bad review

Our Opinion: This clothes line prop is currently the best seller online. That is really down to the cheap and cheerful price. It won't last a long time but if you are happy to replace it when it breaks then it will do the job for a while. The majority of people who buy this are happy enough to replace it when it stops working as the initial price is so good.

Check Amazon UK - Price when reviewed £8.89 - 78% buyer satisfaction based on 3,500 buyer reviews

Addis Clothes Line Prop

Addis Clothes Line Prop

This line prop is the highest rated overall in the UK and is made by the well known laundry brand Addis.

This is the price for one prop which can extend to 2.7 metres in height and folds in half for easier storage

This prop also has a clip that is used to support the prop once it is in place and stops the prop from collapsing

It comes in a dark grey finish which is stylish


  • Has a high overall buyer satisfaction of 92%
  • 75% of all UK buyers give this prop a full 5 star rating
  • This prop is high quality when compared to other brands and will not be prone to rust


  • 3% of all UK buyers give this prop a poor review
  • A few buyers said the notches were too small

Our Opinion: Of all the props we tested this one is the best quality and we also think it looks the best of the bunch. When you have it up the clip helps keep the prop firmly in place. On the downside it is also the most expensive for a single prop. Many buyers said you have to pay more for quality but that it is worth it as it works well and it lasts for a very long time. It is the best buy if you can afford it.

Check Amazon UK - Price when reviewed £13.39 - 90% buyer satisfaction based on 2,000 buyer reviews

How to use a clothes line prop?

Generally speaking clothes props are easy to use. You make sure the prop is attached to the washing line, extend it to the appropriate height, lock it into position and push the other end into the ground. These tend to work better on grass as you can push the props down in a little. On driveways and patios they may move around a little. If you have hard ground make sure the prop you buy has a rubber end as that works much better on hard surfaces.

Common issues with clothes line props

Buying Cheap Props

It is really tempting to buy the cheapest that you can find. In reality some people can't afford to spend a lot and a cheap one will do the job. They do tend to break though especially if the weight of the washing is heavy. Try to avoid them if you have large amounts of washing.

Not staying on the washing line

All props have some type of method for holding them on to the actual washing line. This can vary from a simple hook or prongs and most of the attachments are made from either metal, rubber or a hard plastic.

When new most of these work well, but they can get damaged by the weather, especially if there is a lot of snow or ice. Plastic hardens and will snap, and metal tends to rust if it gets any damage.

Rubber can also harden in frost so it is hard to find something that can stand up to all types of weather. Rubber is the best if you can get one with that type of attachment.


Most metal props are covered with some type of plastic coating which does offer a layer of protection. However if the prop gets dropped and the plastic gets damaged then rust can get at the metal underneath. Once it starts it is difficult to stop and will eventually eat through the prop and it will break.

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Enda McLarnon

I hope that you find my How to articles helpful as I know that laundry can be a real chore. On this website, I have tried to help out with buying guides and reviews for the many forms of ironing and other laundry issues.

Enda McLarnon

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